The Biology Project > About us

About us
Instructional Design for the Problem Sets

About the BP

Project History

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Project Team



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Instructional Design

Introduction | Question | Answer & Correct Answer | Tutorial | Navigation

The Navigation

The navigation buttons at the bottom of each page gives users direct control over their own learning. From the question documents, they may go directly to the next question (in these examples, problem 5), return to the previous one, or go to the tutorial.
From the tutorial, they may look up the answer, or go back to the question for another chance at answering it correctly, or proceed to the next problem.
From every page, if they so desire, they may go back to the list of questions to select the one that matches their interest better, go back to the beginning of the category to select a different problem set, or return to the home page to select a different category.

Introduction | Question | Answer & Correct Answer | Tutorial | Navigation

The Biology Project > About us

The Biology Project
University of Arizona
Revised: July 2004
Contact the Development Team
All contents copyright © 1996. All rights reserved.