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The Biology Project > Biochemistry > The Chemistry of Amino Acids

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Tryptophan W (Trp)

Chemical Properties:
(Aromatic R-group)
Physical Properties:


, an essential amino acid, is the largest of the amino acids. It is also a derivative of alanine, having an indole substituent on the β carbon. The indole functional group absorbs strongly in the near ultraviolet part of the spectrum. The indole nitrogen can hydrogen bond donate, and as a result, tryptophan, or at least the nitrogen, is often in contact with solvent in folded proteins.

molecular structure for tryptophan Ph-NH-CH=C-CH2-CH(NH3)-COO
Chemical structure for tryptophan

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The Biology Project > Biochemistry > The Chemistry of Amino Acids

The Biology Project
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
University of Arizona
August 25, 2003
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