About Our Statistics
NOTE: To view detailed reports by day, week, month or year to date, follow the link on the left to the WebTrends Reporting Center and, following the directions, log in as ANONYMOUS with your email address as password. You need IE 5 or later, or Netsacape 6 or later on Windows computers. On Macintosh, *only* Netscape 7, the latest release, will work properly. Safari, IE 5&6 and Mozilla Firebird on Macs do not work properly. Once logged in, use the interactive calendar to select the time period, and the menus at the bottom right to select specific reports.
Our web server software logs all activity on our web site.
Here are a few of the terms used in the log analysis reports, along with a bit of explanation on how we interpret the reports.
HIT a single HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol) request. A typical web page requires several hits to retrieve all of the page's objects (graphics, text, links, etc.)
USER SESSION Activity from a single user (determined by the computer's network address or IP number) terminated by 30 minutes or more of inactivity.
PAGE VIEWS A key statistic: number of complete web pages viewed.