The Biology Project Home > Immunology

HIV/AIDS Simulate the spread of HIV through a population with virtual fluid exchanges. Results from a computer-simulated ELISA are used for an epidemiological study to determine possible original HIV carriers.

The ELISA Assay Understand how an ELISA is performed, learn what serum components are measured in an ELISA, and be able to explain how an ELISA test is used to detect sero-positivity for HIV or any other pathogen.

Western Blotting Analysis Learn why a western blot is a confirmatory test for HIV positivity, what serum components are measured in an ELISA, and how a western blot is performed.

Introduction to Immunology Learn the basics about the immune system.

Antibody Structure Understand how an antibody's physical structure determines its interaction with antigen.

HIV and AIDS Learn about HIV's interaction with the immune system and how current treatments interrupt the HIV lifecycle.

Case Studies Written in collaboration with Veterinary Science and Microbiology, these cases studies are designed for advanced students.

Edward Jenner and the Discovery of Vaccination is a historical exhibit prepared by the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections at the University of South Carolina.

The Body is a multimedia AIDS and HIV resource, with lots of great information on the science and sociology of HIV.

Immunization Action Coalition is a nonprofit organization with the goal to boost immunization rates. This site has pictures of diseases that can be prevented with immunization and information on vaccinations.

biochem4schools, is a new online collection of biochemistry resources. With comprehensive reviews and extensive cross-referencing, this site will be an indispensable tool for teachers and students involved in Biochemistry at all levels.

The Biology Project Home > Immunology

The Biology Project
University of Arizona
Revised: November 21. 2002
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