Credits for Web Karyotyping Activity

Content author

Denice Warren
Senior Instructional Specialist
The Biology Project

HTML author

Denice Warren

Graphic artists

Chromosomes & illustrations
Denice Warren

Banners & background
Marcia Underwood
Graphic Designer
The Biology Project


This activity is based on an activity developed by Kristie Geiger Stevens, Catalina Foothills High School, Tucson, Arizona, and Denice Warren and Deborah Alongi, as part of the Image Processing for Teaching (IPT) project, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

Chromosome images courtesy of the Center for Image Processing in Education, which distributes materials created by the University of Arizona's IPT project.

UA's Biology 181 laboratory class field-tested this activity with 1,500 undergraduate students who came to the Biology Learning Center. Thank you to the Biology Learning Center staff, 181 students and graduate teaching assistants for providing valuable feedback.


Warren, D. K. (1996). Web Karyotyping Activity. The Biology Project [Online], Available:

The Biology Project
University of Arizona
Thursday, January 16, 1996
All contents copyright © 1996. All rights reserved.