Credits for Blackett Family DNA Activity

Content authors

Darin Goss
Undergraduate Intern
The Biology Project

Denice Warren
Senior Instructional Specialist
The Biology Project

Richard Hallick
Professor of Biochemistry
University of Arizona

HTML author

Darin Goss

Graphic artists

Annotated autorads
Darin Goss

Karyotype illustration
Denice Warren

VNTR illustrations
Richard Hallick

Banners & background
Marcia Underwood
Graphic Designer
The Biology Project


Autoradiographs courtesy of Bob Blackett, of the Department of Public Safety Crime Lab. We are grateful for his contributions to this activity.


Goss, D. V., Warren, D. K., & Hallick, R. B. (1996). Blackett Family DNA Activity. The Biology Project [Online], Available:

The Biology Project
University of Arizona
Tuesday, August 20, 1996
All contents copyright © 1996. All rights reserved.