The Biology Project
> Cell
Biology >
Cell Signaling > Problem
Cell Signaling
Problem Set
4: Kinds of Signals
Tutorial to help answer the question A cell secretes growth factors that have a slow diffusion rate, and interacting
only with other cells in the immediate area is an example of _______________
A. |
exocrine |
B. |
synaptic |
C. |
paracrine |
D. |
cell contact |
Types of signaling
Autocrine signals bind to receptors on cells that
secrete them.
Paracrine signals bind to receptors and stimulate
nearby cells.
Exocrine signaling occurs when cells secrete signaling
molecules into the blood. For example, the ovaries in females and the
testes in males are stimulated by hormones produced by the brain.
Synaptic signaling is similar to paracrine signaling
but there is a special structure called the synapse between the cell
originating and the cell receiving the signal. Synaptic signaling only
occurs between cells with the synapse; for example between a neuron
and the muscle that is controlled by neural activity.
Signaling by cell contact must have cells with adjacent
plasma membranes. Later you will learn that cells are altered by their
immediate environment and by signaling molecules from other cells.
Problem 4 |
Answer | Problem 5
The Biology
Project > Cell
Biology > Cell
Signaling > Problem
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