The Biology Project
> Cell
Biology >
Cell Signaling > Problem
Cell Signaling
Problem Set
2: Signal Responses I
to help answer the question Signaling between cells usually results in the activation of protein
A. |
lipases |
B. |
kinases |
C. |
proteases |
D. |
nucleases |
Activation of protein

Many classes of receptor bind their ligand and activate protein kinases
inside the cell. Kinases transfer phosphate to specific target proteins
causing a cell response. Activation frequently leads to a protein kinase
cascade, resulting in the rapid amplification of extra-cellular signals.
Some important concepts are:
- Two types of cells may have the same receptor but have different
target proteins for the kinases. This allows the same signal and receptor
to cause different responses.
- The cascade can lead to rapid amplification of the signal, dramatically
speeding up a cell response.
- Responses to signals by phosphate transfers must be reversible.
Phosphatases that remove phosphates are one example of a specific
mechanism to reverse a signal response.
Problem 2 |
Answer | Problem 3
The Biology
Project > Cell
Biology > Cell
Signaling > Problem
Biology Project
University of Arizona
May 2, 2002
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