Eukaryotic Gene Expression Problem Set
Instructions: The following problems have multiple choice answers. Correct
answers are reinforced with a brief explanation. Incorrect answers are
linked to tutorials to help solve the problem.
- Post transcriptional modification to the 3'-end of eukaryotic mRNAs
- Features of eukaryotic mRNAs
- Why do pre-mRNAs get smaller during RNA processing?
- Self-catalytic RNAs
- DNA-DNA renaturation and DNA-RNA hybridization
- Interpreting a pre-mRNA splicing diagram
- Promoters
- Protein coding sequences
- Hybridization of mRNA with the DNA coding strand
- Regulating mRNA synthesis
- Features of hnRNA
- Features of nuclear RNA processing
- Information transfer to the cytoplasm
The Biology Project
University of Arizona
Tuesday, October 28, 1997
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