The Biology Project: Immunology

HIV and AIDS Problem Set

Problem 3: Antigen-specific immune response

Tutorial to help answer the question

Which immune response is specific against one antigen?

A. Skin blocks entry of antigen into body
B. Phagocytic cell engulfs antigen
C. Antibody binds antigen and prevents it from infecting cells
D. Cilia sweep antigens away from lungs


Innate immune responses are nonspecific – they target any antigen. Skin, cilia in mucous membranes, bacteria-destroying enzymes in tears, nasal secretions and saliva are all innate defenses preventing antigens from entering the body. Phagocytosis is also an innate defense.


Adaptive immune responses are antigen-specific. Adaptive immune responses include production of antibody by B cells and destruction of infected cells by cytotoxic T cells.


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The University of Arizona
Monday, April 3, 2000
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