Energy, Enzymes, and Catalysis Problem Set
Energy transformations are central to all living organisms. The purpose of this problem set is to become more familiar with some key principles about enzymes, catalysis, and energy that are central to a subsequent study of metabolic pathways.
Instructions: The following problems have multiple choice answers. Correct
answers are reinforced with a brief explanation. Incorrect answers are
linked to tutorials to help solve the problem.
- Features of enzyme catalyzed reactions
- Equilibrium constant for sucrose hydrolysis
- Kinetics of an allosteric enzyme
- An energy barrier separating reactions and products in a chemical reaction
- Why do enzymes reach a maximum rate at high substrate concentration?
- Equilibrium constant for ionization of acetic acid
- Describing the reaction rate for a chemical reaction
- Features of an exergonic reaction
- Kinetics of an enzyme reaction with a non-competitive inhibitor
- Enzyme features
- Understanding activation energy
- Energy requiring reactions in biological systems
- Equilibrium constant for hydrolysis of glucose-6-phosphate
- Interpreting an "S-shaped" enzyme kinetics curve
- Interpreting the plateau of an enzyme kinetics curve
- Energy requiring and energy yielding reactions
The Biology Project
Department of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biophysics
University of Arizona
Wednesday, September 25, 1996
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